What to Look for When Buying a New Garage Door  

Whether you’re in the market for a garage door replacement or buying one for a brand-new house, it’s a big, exciting decision. You want to pick something that ticks all your boxes, from excellent safety features to a stunning look that adds curbside appeal to your property. In this compact garage door buying guide, you’ll learn how to pick the best option for your needs while adding value and style to your home. What to Consider When Replacing a Garage Door Before you dive into the specifics and start buying garage doors, it’s important to decide on the fundamentals. Think […]

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Most Popular Garage Doors Styles in South Florida  

Your garage door’s style impacts the entire look of your home. The right style can increase your curb appeal and tie your home’s exterior together. When choosing a new garage door, you want to pick a style that complements your home and boosts its resale value should you ever decide to sell. Style also plays a role in durability. Matching the style to a quality material ensures your garage door withstands the heat, winds and water of South Florida.  Browse Our Garage Doors Let’s take a look at the different garage door materials you’ll encounter and how they can influence […]

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How to Keep Your Garage Cool in Florida

One of the great aspects of living in Florida is the sunny, warm weather residents experience nearly all year round. However, there are some downsides to the Florida climate, and an overheated garage is certainly one of them. In the summer months, you may find that your garage — and, by extension, your car — may reach an unbearably hot temperature. Many homeowners have chosen to implement some, or all, of the following tips for cooling off their garages and keeping them cool against the summer heat. How to Cool off a Garage in Florida Depending on your garage’s specific […]

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How to Choose the Right Garage Door for Your Florida Home

A garage door often serves as a second entrance to your home, and it makes up a significant portion of your exterior property. Buying a garage door in Florida means you need a sturdy option that’s resistant to hurricanes, heavy winds and humidity. Browse Our garage Door Selection At ADCO Garage Doors, we have an inventory of residential products that come with various style, material, color and size options. You may also consider using our Door Imagination System to try out different products on your property. This guide can help you figure out how to buy a garage door replacement and […]

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