What to Look for When Buying a New Garage Door  

Whether you’re in the market for a garage door replacement or buying one for a brand-new house, it’s a big, exciting decision. You want to pick something that ticks all your boxes, from excellent safety features to a stunning look that adds curbside appeal to your property. In this compact garage door buying guide, you’ll learn how to pick the best option for your needs while adding value and style to your home. What to Consider When Replacing a Garage Door Before you dive into the specifics and start buying garage doors, it’s important to decide on the fundamentals. Think […]

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Why Invest in a New Garage Door? 

When it comes to home improvements, investing in a new garage door may not always be the first thing that comes to mind. However, upgrading your garage door can offer considerable benefits beyond functionality. There are a few things you should think about before choosing your new garage door. Whether you want to increase your home’s value or improve your daily living experience, a new garage door can be a good investment. Enhanced Security — Protecting Your Valuable Assets Investing in a new garage door provides advanced security features to safeguard your valuable assets. Here are some key security features of garage […]

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Most Popular Garage Doors Styles in South Florida  

Your garage door’s style impacts the entire look of your home. The right style can increase your curb appeal and tie your home’s exterior together. When choosing a new garage door, you want to pick a style that complements your home and boosts its resale value should you ever decide to sell. Style also plays a role in durability. Matching the style to a quality material ensures your garage door withstands the heat, winds and water of South Florida.  Browse Our Garage Doors Let’s take a look at the different garage door materials you’ll encounter and how they can influence […]

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How to Inspect Your Garage Door  

Numerous injuries occur each year due to garage doors. From pinched fingers to cuts on broken window glass, some reports estimate 30,000 injuries annually. One of the most crucial tasks you can do to protect your property and the people you love is to conduct a regular safety inspection of your garage door.  Garage Door Safety Checklist ADCO Garage Doors has developed this guide to help you confidently make a thorough garage door inspection. Spend 15 to 20 minutes once or twice each year inspecting your garage by following these steps. 1. Check the Photo Eye Sensors Put an object […]

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5 Things to Consider When Buying a New Garage Door

Day or night, rain or shine, garage doors keep your home secure. Beyond that, they boost your home’s overall look. Buying a new garage door is one of the most important decisions to make, whether you’re acquiring a new home or looking for an upgrade. Making that decision is sometimes challenging because there are many garage door types with different designs, operational structures, colors, materials and qualities on the market. We’ll make the choice simple for you.  Here’s what to look for in a garage door: Style Materials Weather durability New technology Insulation Let’s consider them in more detail.  How […]

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Signs You Need to Replace Your Garage Door

Your garage door performs many vital functions for your home, such as providing security, functionality and curb appeal. However, no garage door lasts forever — especially without the proper maintenance. That’s why it’s important to recognize when your garage door is on its last leg.  While some garage door damages and functional issues can be easily resolved through professional repairs, others require a complete replacement. Luckily, there are many warning signs to look out for that indicate it may be time to replace your garage door. Learn when to replace your garage door with a newer model by watching for […]

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The Importance of Routine Garage Door Maintenance

You wouldn’t neglect to change your car’s oil, mow your lawn or clean the gutters — so why avoid maintaining your garage door? While regular garage door maintenance can be easy to overlook, it’s just as important as any other household task.  You likely use your garage door every day, meaning it will inevitably experience some natural wear and tear over time. However, without the proper upkeep, its condition can worsen, resulting in operational issues and even safety hazards. You can prevent these problems and ensure your garage door remains in peak condition for years when you adhere to a […]

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10 Reasons to Buy a New Garage Door

If you’re wondering when to buy a new garage door for your property, you’re probably in need of a replacement. Review the following information if you’re asking, “Do I need a new garage door?”  Signs That It Is Time for a New Garage Door Even the highest quality garage doors will eventually need to be replaced. An outdated appearance or a poorly functioning system are both good reasons for a new garage door. You should consider getting a new garage door if you are experiencing these issues: The door has issues opening and closing: You need convenient access to your garage, […]

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Benefits of Buying an Insulated Garage Door in Florida

Considering Florida’s mild winters and hot and sunny summers, it is easy for homeowners in Florida to overlook important aspects of the home that help regulate temperature and increase efficiency, such as garage door insulation. Although many homeowners overlook garage door insulation, it is still an important part of any home because of the various benefits it offers. Browse Our garage Door Selection What You Need to Know About Garage Door Insulation If you live in a Florida home with a non-insulated garage door, you may not understand the extent of the benefits of an upgraded garage door, the difference […]

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How to Keep Your Garage Cool in Florida

One of the great aspects of living in Florida is the sunny, warm weather residents experience nearly all year round. However, there are some downsides to the Florida climate, and an overheated garage is certainly one of them. In the summer months, you may find that your garage — and, by extension, your car — may reach an unbearably hot temperature. Many homeowners have chosen to implement some, or all, of the following tips for cooling off their garages and keeping them cool against the summer heat. How to Cool off a Garage in Florida Depending on your garage’s specific […]

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